
Showing posts from October, 2023

Video Downloader-Quick Save Privacy Policy

 Video Downloader-Quick Save  Privacy Policy  TechInforTainment built “Video Downloader-Quick Save” app as a free app. This service is provided by TechInforTainment at no cost and is intended for use as is. This privacy policy explains how “ Video Downloader-Quick Save ” collects and uses the app user's data. The purpose of this page is to inform the users of how we handle and protect their personal information.  By using the services provided by our app and agreeing to this privacy policy, you are giving consent that you have read and understood the purpose of data collection and its usage concerning this app.  The sole purpose of collecting this information is to provide the best services to our users and to improve our Service. The data collected will not be disclosed or shared with anyone else except as specified in this Privacy Policy. This privacy policy applies to all the users of this app. Information Collection and Use Our Service may collect the following data to provide